
eas heal P S





For 1858. Artic hoke, 191; piers poi, 191; Lion, | Birds, ay, to kill, 174; notes.on wild, 191; Poplar gall, 191; radicum, 191; mares 0 icant Be fruit, 671 ; supposed hum- À, 191; Pine cone a 191; ten, 191 ing, “733, 750, 766; mule, 881 Aphis *powder, 52, 54, 71, 361, 382, 494, 510, 530, Birm agham cattle show. , 885 ; report of, 891 558, 590, 606 Biscutella, soil il for, 360 Agricultural Exhibition, 728 Arnie le Blossom weevil, 191; Moth, small Er- | Bisulphur carbon v. insects, 653 Abies nobilis, 590, 750 , 191; Sawfly, 191; Mussel scale, 191; | Black turtle Sain 191 Acarus pensaia by 191; geniculatus, 191; Scolytus, 191 Blaine’s Rural Sports, 815 Sortenaii 191; rae 191 pple, meee espe 6 Blatta orientalis, 191 tte nid Pens a i 191 Apple jam, ore 71% 4-select; BOAN aa OF 086 che. es, to 348 | Blindness, cause of, Achi aioa; soil for, 359 3 pe t tree, decay of, 622 Bl nig yn of the, 547 S, ae à apucate, seedling, 4 ; Musch Musch, 638 Boilers, Thomson’s retort, 130

Tnitums, ‘soil for, 359° Aquari

—. anand. 926 delges. e.gall, 191 Ae asia soil for, 359

Adenostyles, goil a 359

Acidium Ethione: soil fe for, Artichoke, ee se Jerusalem, 782; Æseulus californica, 844 flowering o oft ditto ‘ican woods, plani Woy Artificial roc! ckwork, sone for, 192; plants for, wo 3 ture, steam, 13, 910; of the past year, | Ashes of weeds, 297 ae Philp’s (rev), 60; in China, 75; Journal ee beds, what to do with in winter,

of, 76, 158 ; German, 159; Cape, 22 227; French, , 248, 274; ‘intensive, 531, 546; progressive, DET 818 ; practice, &c., of, 572; history

implements, Scottish, 98 ; schools in Continent ial | professors, 42, 223 ; i weights


Axton isi et eat Artichoke Geruseiom) aphis, 191

s bee

Ruchiistus pear nag 191; Nerii, 191; Os- treseform is, 191; Proteus, 191

Assafæti "G06

Astyages, Pear-tree, 191

Argyr ofa s ruficapitella, 191 PRERA Ari 191 i i

3 d measures, 9; importations, 162; istics, | Athalia s Fri b

tha, 222, Koa ah 386, 498 ; a 319 ; | Atherton’s (Mr. ) fi

schools, an, 320; unit, Moy 7 Oplo P Ea herd, 5

410; t aora ; produce, STENA telabus curealioncdes, 191

302 887; CACH 564, 740, 818; weeds, 885 pene abate s, 191

Grasses, 7. Auricula, the, 421 Viole, 19 Australian, vegetation, 508 bee eine ‘on, ee pea trees for, 923 Cocoi , 1913 a astalik 191; ‘Ausioea, e ea; 330 is, new en 191 Azores, "climatevof, 903 Algze, propagation of, 844 ; marine, 928

in pi 243

agreement for, 115; B. | BABRAHAM ram Alpine plants, sn 2 08.5, wn buoy 190 meadow, 192; culture of open op, Chore (Dr. spins Niger i HESRA 21, 40, 54, pei 193; soil for, 192, 5| 111, 154, 438, 622, 734, 7 | ) —_ cage ork, es covering Ballinashoe fair, +, 804 , eles g from ; time to Balsams, Carter's, 60 ay pot Rea 193; ets ak by tee Barl 2, 866, 406, 463; prenien . 7553

Hitcham, Almanacks, 883 | Aloe fibre, 750 | sion and cuttings, 193; transplanting, 35 =

| neo or in pota; 859; ”soil for 200 Š Sep bes winter iat ginate Aia 369; shitting shifting, Mem core ie, enumeration of Bass & Brown’s laod 112, 340 Aking, soil for, 359 Battersea Park, 440 în bread, 55 ‘Baumann’s (Beene eatalogue, 655 sums, 80 Bean le, 1 Amateur ers 240, 264, 289, 313, 336, 359, | Beans, cake ition 828 l pn 421, 477, 509, 556 Beaver, 925 mi arene soil for, 555 ; ; illustrations of, Bedding pla plants, to to winter, 925 | how to make old ld young again, 684 Bee, d gathering, 191 ; Willow or leaf- American blight, 191, cutter, 191 ly spring wild; 191; enemies, | mmophila sabul 191 191; Rumble, 19 191; y, 191 : e harie alc , 191 | Bee, food, 68 ; iai bo ; hives, Nutt’s, 494, | 2 526; hives, vario 557 Analy, sis of, Potatoes, 72; seeds, 197, 658; | Bee | pee of manures, 721; of Barley, &c., | Beech insects, 71 Ps | Beech tree in Denmark, 311;

» 190, 801 ; and superphosphate, $89 er a Ge ype ey E wake sor iea Ameroid, of, 881,905, 6,8, 1 ous -imal nutrition, trition, 916 Bowo Sis fa Now Zalan, So ; cells of, uJ nortico 881 8, choice of, 240, 266; to. 31 foetid 191; sate sip Ser IN viet backed cowl dod 181 lem tar | 19i eee Sart” e Ji ov a 191; Ceparum, 191 Leaman anes 100 inte 101; tuberosa, 01 5 Borberrios, how Aa pis ior gumising, 717 vican soldier, a 2685 red, | Betulas, soil for, soil for, 260 eee teal, 714 Beet 533 ; Beetles, scavenger, 72; book of, 290 2 19 | Beetroot pulp, 674 130 | Bibio Mar 191 ra “191 Birch a weevil, | ; Jer Birch, to sow, 800 ;

es rsa 670; malt dust,

Sounby (Orgyia) antiqua, ge oe neustria, 191; lubri ve org

Bonn Botanic dustin n,

Books, 2 noy Noxi coin ct ; Tyso o Ranun rowing, T Lord si. PANIA

k, lantic Sketches, 55 ; ‘Who's Who in 1858, 56; Craik’s Knowledge under Difficulties, 56;

Rise of our Indian ou Letters from |. Head m4 "s Geol , 65; Lawson’ ‘oore’s

s Garden Index Fiicum 723 Sketch of ie ibea "2:

Lowe’s Ferns, 91; "Broome’s theta of the Chrysanth 3 Seyd’s ul; etal 3 on pea and ting

Aikin’s Arts of Life fe, 195 ; Bouton’s

Flora, 219 ; Pownall’s Maintenance of the

na Poor," 219; Fraga ers in 1857, 243; Bott’s us Carex Walker's ‘Treatise

of Lucknow, 363; The milton's Nova by Sir D. e iting 363; s Nov: 03; Howitt's

Flo 512, 543; Gordon’s Pinetum, 527 ; Criminal corr, See ripoata

Cosm ; Lindley’s ve Botany, ; s Pia Fe o Manual, 543 ; waites’s Ceylon, ; Hooker's Species ri S aae Genie, by De. chan y, 558; Paris | 560; Bentham’s


Agriculture and Transactions of the y an Agricultural Society of Scotian

645 ; Reitz’s Ca riculture, 227 ; Bn gpm J i Com] and


and Was of tural Society, 500; cons th a Report of *the Royal Society for Promotion of )the Growth of Flax in. 500 ; ary Report of the Commission: inquire into the best ode of distri! the. sewage wns and applying it to bemifi- . cia! and profitable uses, 549; sof Agriculture (a pamphlet on Steam by J. A Williams, 564; Biographical notiee - of Gautherot the 596 ; Horse and the Hound, Bs Baie Pas Bàin- - h Veterinary Review, È . or Women’s Work, U: i Streams, 629; Book ' and Machines, 724 ; on Horse Tam- ing, 724; ng Ae H of Progress dn- Great a rot Se ‘Che- » mistry, b bson, 5s cultul Grasses, 757, 788 ; Rural $ Jeptha Young, 788 ;

5 ,& nevin, of Agricultural Baas- ' tion in I i byT. Baldwin, 869 ; Howto F profitably, or the Sayings and of Alderman Mechi, 915 << 916 ; Symonds’s Naturalists’ Field Club, Part oo ns j Ste- phens’s oe Farm eng i

;J. S. Rarey’s Art of Ts oman] ofthe



on a Sh Ft m”6”6”—”—SC™~”—V”--.-._..| ood, epes of nome insects. aa, 196; cattle. “Philosopher, 943 ; Trade aia a oA = 92, | Cinerarias, soil for, 360 Dixon (Hull) enn S 92 Food, eggs of some insects, aa, 196; cattle, 112, 131 Li , 176, 195, 219, , 384, | Cionus Scrophulariæ, 191 Dodecatheons, soil for, 529, 594, 945; artificial, 657, 818 575, 655, 671, 688, 864, 88, 9 928, a7), Tae 752, | Circ ~ soil £ jogs, to clea Foot, Prussian, 110 767, gy Ba 790, 815, 831, 848, 864, $83, 928, 944 | Cirencester, Prize 53 Doronicums, soil for, 360 Forests, Nova Scotia, 460; disappearance of Borders, tree, 357 ladius difformis, 191 Dorthesia, Seychelles, 191 ent, 288, 311; ot Dean, by Nicholls, rev., Borneo, F botanical news from, 362 Clarke on Steam Culture, 115 7 ger ~ 0 907. Bostrichus capucinus, 191 Clay-lands, 563 Draceena indi 290 Fortune, Mr., 191__ Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, Clianthus Dampieri, 476 Dracocephalums, soil for, 360 Fragaria lucida, 877 Botanical wledge, use of, Climate, Tasmanian, 1 Gul 732 | Drainage, 11,347,868; theory of, 25, 28,41; deep, | Free trade, Walker on, 831 Botany, advantages of, 189; an Climbers, greenhouse, 112 27, 44, 250; and rain fail, 59; and capillary | Fritillaria Meleagris, soil for, 360 242; in schools, 379, 401; Dr. Mors Cliveden, noticed, 439 attraction, 5; practical memorandums on, | Frogs, green, 438; tree, 526 iptive, 543 ; Notes on British, 847, 862 ; | Clubbing, cure for, 190 94; remarks on, , 115; Hinkworth, 272, Froth fly, 191 e, 860 Clubs, benefit, 499 425, 515; land, 297 ; Tavistock, 441 ; air, 461, | Fruits for apo wall, 156 ; treesin pots, 194, r3 Botley, Farmers’ Cinn (pa Societies) Coal clubs, 21 i 465, 485; facts on, 469; last century, 485; 243; hon and trees in pots, 241; tree! ý Bouquet, 90 ight Coates’s Herd Book, 916 Hainault, : 529; questions, 499, 549, Thea 598, border: 307: trees in north of Scotland, ; Box Psylla, 19 +| Coccinella ceptem-punctata, 1 191 609, 625 ; metropolitan, 656; me randa, | 420; aralt Scotch, 524 ; plaster of Par Boydell’s Bae 42 Coccus Bromeliæ, 191; Pe-la, 191; patellæ- j| $20, 890, 912 v. bi ne ecked, 671; rooms, 670, 800; to! Wheat, 805 formis, 191 ; testudo, 191 Draining a square mile, cost of, i keep w: off, 702; trees, large, 702, 830 ; as, soil for, 360 hafer, the, 191 Draining, cost of, 644; Parkes © Smith’ 75765 | to preserve 766; de ecay of, 796; hints on ~ Brew rages omy in, 114 ; alum in, 559 ; mouldy, Cockchafers and Strawberries, 542 ie ser 756 pruning, 827 ; ‘renovating, 8; how to keep | 574; Mexican animal, 880 Cockroach, 191; parasite, 191 Drai 00 of, 58, 76; roots in, 129; loss ake. off, TIT; h ow to store winter Pears in Bread making, 32 Cockroaches, 782 by, 890 quantities, 717; Northamptonshire, | British 751, 767, 783, 798, 830, Gockscombs, 702, Lm Drill, blas 862 ‘4 847, 881 Coco: a persue, np Drug v oman Fruit, committee, 171, 193, 216, 219; baskets, British Columbia, 798 Deelogyn Dee E (sting atate, 40 be Pane ed mode of keeping, 943; books, British Museum, 620, 651, 668, 749 College, ge, Agricultura, it, an 946 Drummond y 360 Broccoli, Cumming’s, 813 Coleshill rural Dryas, so! soil for, 500 Fulham Palace Gar ‘dens, 607 ader how to make famous vegetable, 717 Colo: floras, Dublin spring show, 369, 388 ungi, on roots, 22, To Bas 588; and E eath of Dr. Robert, 476; memoir of, reaa effect of lishtu on, 526 ; arrange- | Dung, he woe 344, 367 roots, 588; in a wroot, 23; trees killed 493, a rn, 732 sp ue Aha 701 Dut kap pun ose, 765 by, 715; and poce, 782; and shells, 798; 1 wn scale, small, 191; limpet scale, 191 bdi dens about, 480 Dye, Chin sra Sag Pear, 264, 731; Scacchi, 400 ; Cori, Bruchus arius, 191 Conifers, mig on roots of, 22, 588; Mexican, 603 ; peculiar form of, 6; and bronchitis, i Brussels Botanic Garden, 220 39; size off pe 940 : Brussels Sprouts, Roseberry, 926 ;' what to do | Convallarias 360 Funkias, soil for, j wit! autumn, 717 Conveyances abd e a progress of, 852 $| Bryony, poisoning by, 384 Coral vil, black-legged, 191 E. A Buckmaster’s Chemistry, 767 Fun, 18, f Budding, double, 6! Corn, cost of ing, 2 Bjinse tation of, | Buds, waite, B08. of, 55 weet lanter, air a's, verages,- 773 ; ng rm internal heat of the, 3 ; surfuce heat of, G. H

follow bi choose Dutch, 765 ol , 865 Bupleurums, soil for, 360 Butter, yield of, 802 C.

Caspace club weevil, 191; and Onion. flies,

191; powdered an Ay, ion.

C , culture, 36: ith sprout ing ‘autumn, mT

Cacti, to kill scale on, 38 ; hybrid, 478

Caen, Hort. Exhibition, ‘476

Caladiums, new, 314

Calandra ia, 191

Calanthe, “bec

California, Seyd’s (rev.), 111 ; market garden- pn ee es Sarat 347- ae ; exhibited at a fair in, 347

bar ripar ip

Galtha, soil

Gass Wood, 754, 784, 798 Camellias, Mr. Allnutt’s, 176; at Abbeville, 218 tree, large, 266

pa pp hae oe

Carter’s (Holborn) et de 23, 671

a ae 924

Caterpillar, Black,

Cattle, ae p Srp at Paaa Show, 157 ; Scotch breed of, 15 3;. breeding, 246, 223, 642; disease, 250; Show, Poissy, 300; ditto, Dublin, 369 ; | summer orm ge : er ; short-horned, 514, 689 ;

food, 5293 artificial, Feder os prepared, 1% scan feeding, 914; stock

EE, maninira

‘Cecidomyia Tritici, 191; viminalis; 191; Bar- |

pares, 191

860 Soren nag lace 116; agricultural, T2; application of, to the culture of root

| meeting, 577, 578, 626; ar ergs Eeo La Tat ek

China, green ; agriculture

\ Glamese Yams am, ieot s 8, 180, 154, 7, 288, 513, 576, 683, 781, 813, 844

Chiswick exhibition (

path w Barth-woran fy, 191 ALANTHUS, soil for, |

Ga Gortasan. toil for, 360 Ear wigs, 191, 638 i Fa] Corydalis speciosa, S77 ; soil for, 360 East! ery. Farm, noticed, 180 by ils Tui KE $ ey ie a) O bab reo ae ha sania for cf 360 Spru POL: elm ties, Poria: 191 ing, Fescue, 3 3 a . British M Cottages, ree shag 136, 221, 318, 820, 386, Edmondson’ (Dublin) catalogue, 13 inglesa, 161 Balanform, olde gers + 406; model, 199, 495, 428, ada 5 513, 530, 546, Educati on, ganto an 67, 87, pri 289, 241,266, | A: Tanai p Oak, 191 ; rni ip, 191; wool ire 2 oo TOT; plana of, S18, 8 320 ; y, 758 476; agricultural, 114, 177, rural, 658; | Oak 191 ; o a e, 127, 881, moral, 803 ; rustic, 944 Game, preservation of, 274 Cottagers’ show, Su db wire Eggs, to preserve, 161, 725; sex of, 320 mee i Cotton, African, 491; in Texas, 831 E ypti gardens, 68 . 5 i Bi Hanger bar Veterinary prasticn, 99 tton-seed cake, 408, “660 tricity, agency of, 71; treatise on, G Cotton mite, A Blger’s ot tir 672 pee 207g 008, fe ; tae ge Country, Common Objects of, 339 Elm gall a old, a7 Se Covent at as 110 as 878 ) dain ot. Seah Te, ie: ‘overing for A’ ants, 193 Elsey (Mr.) death of, 112 i 8 5 ws, roots aE ‘fever i in, 445 Embalming, Falcony on, 704 aah ase, tro ni, Te seme lade, 200 ; Fe Cow feeding, Empetrums, soit for, 360 pour’ garden produce, 289; wages in Aus- A Cow house, Breis Language, Edwards on, 267 tralia, 290 ; second-rate, 314; unemployed, af Boron POSE index to, 191 337; Benevolent pastitation, 525, 5725 Craven Cottage, 7, 559 Entomologist’s Annual, Stainton’s, 7 i rev. Corporation, 636; Gores rt ‘or, 360 pimedas, s t ig Alpine plants, 359 auher a ihai ba acres, 702; gamut, a) imedium: S iat, Cros tito mole, 191 ae Ep N fesh-coloured 654 m wages, 701; supply of, 733; the oceris Sparagi, 191; melanopa, piphora pul à 108, 264, 380,457; nT are eae 0 ab Caidstone) c cataloguo Bie n 181, 180, B06 808. 7185 a A Peps, Crops, Wigtown, 123; ex prope 1915, Pyri 101 ;,bursaris, 240 3 $64, 389, 313, 336, 359, 381, 382, 400, 42, | of, 97 ; nitrogen yielded by, 819 ; rotation o “Ow 457, 477, 509, 556; Spring, window, me att, Pe Bees ‘Improvement "of, 297, 498; | Eristalis te in Scotland, 591; 1c, Glasee's, 684, rah to harvest, 598 ; | Eugenia Ugni Ps he0, 782, 798, 814, 844, 862, pet 1. 1058 845 continental mi in Trinidad, ` tanagi press, no ; of, 609, 611, 629 ol ; apiculata, s2, 881 736 A: et near Sacram 346 Cretping, Dorili pn Garden edging, 36 Crucianellas, soil for, 360 Horhorhia PERE 421 Garden implements, 494 rypene be T y ws Eupteryx Solani, e Garden labourers, 738 how, , large, 52 172, ' 217; ter, Highland Mary, 00; , | Eenibitions “Eerticultaral, orl, 605 (seo also Cardon AN “Pa necessary, 17 oa 619, 638 ; Cw s prolific, 702; Carter’s, Societies)” Gardena of last © oats Craven Cottage, T17; good, TIT; house, 9265 growing, 862, pe cbt ork Alexandria, 68; of | Culturo, autumn, 739; of Alpine plants in the Ghent, 1583.3. med 1952 192; do. do. from seed, 193.

: of Port L ro N. Zealand, $ ve ses Botaxiieal, A haf bine Count Bor: hi Zuric E. ji

de currant B k, 21 Tomes, 2923 Botan h, 292; hi Goosel ÆNUSA pumila, 191 Bet n Ki ky ra a 191; ek gall Fame, way to, 421 315; ic Edinburgh, 363 ; H = eer for bedding, 5! Society's, T m Green, 423, Custard Marrow, 110, 314, eg 621; to cook, Farm, stiff clay, 43, 931 ; ig 54; entering | of Sutherland's, Cliveden, near Maidenhead, | 610 ; false, 7502 monstrous, 685 and quitting, 226; capital, 224; seeds, 246; | 439 ; ’s Place, Jersey, 440; villa inthe Cee d Sor catal rices, 271; Mr. Atherton’s, 299; Mr.| neigh of Como, 480; 8. Ruckers, 1 wre ) ogue, iasa iS; Mr. Wilmot’s, 847 ; Chadbury, Esq., h, 543 ; Earl of Carnarvon’s, | lants, to gate, 347; small Irish, 443 3 Bite A Highcelere, 575 ; Bishop of London’s, Fulham, f Cuttings of Famire arene ae Lidlin ark, v. oxpert 607; Carrhead, near Skipton, Yorksh re, Cree sau tera, 101 Quereus-folii, 191; Quer- | me ntal, 501; time to aten e 644; 623; Lord Holland’s, Kensington, 6395 J. T en 191: Quer-| Moss, 549; Ockley Manor, 564; ees ers, Esq., Putney Heath, 671; Royal yore arre 191; iore podana, a ; rge ands a 644, 646 ; French, 677 ; E ic, Ke + yg ae Bon or ; Quercus taneæ, Praculis p 91 804 ; accounts, 851 ; lopenhagen, > al we jo Cas = Glasnevin coon bothies, 866 ; eae ua- memoranda T to” foreign, <n. s bile, 240 ions, 94 s, , „Hill, Cam P. i 4 : lof eee. Nor-) | ou cones on deciduous, 752 Farming, Gal Calendar, n pg EEES 7355 ae oon ‘3, The Grange, 4 autumn, Pia: Irish, 662: New England, i 799; of the Inner, ae, me Fi > Shetland, 804; French inquiries, | Temple, 108, 816 a "Tike Wonton, 909, 945; Mr. Mechi on Gas apparatus, 707 D. ence, sunk, GA | Gas Thomson’s, 71, 198, 318, Fern ms, nai eg ; Lo saree the erns, names o! p DADDY-LONG-LEGS, 191 garden, 420, et sis; me eh t 7645 or Sous v. vegetation, 174, 194 Daddy-long-legs, v. Grass lawns, 835, 358, | _ the million, 707’; New Zealand tree, 905 | Gentianas, soil for, 360 K Dahlin, Th Fever ay, 191" Gentine rs. Somerville’s, 155 s tne, ; , ‘ever fly, 191 phy, Mrs. =. ele Ba 161; stock, 464 F culture of, 652 Geology, J Jukes’s, rev., 55; of Central France, anagement, Ayrshire, 95 Fi 604 Daphnes sol for, $60 fiy, Italian, 191 Gammation, phenomena of, 717 baad ati, ce Fish, fitered water for, 782 Geometra hirtaria, 191 ; Stramoni poisoning | Fitch’s Noxious Insects, Geothermometer, 4 by, 652 S Ta Flax, “New Zealand, Qs crop, 225; paper, | Geraniums, how to keep over winter, nt Death’s-head p ADR | $85; preparation of soil for, 500; sowing, Geum, soil for, 360 Death-watch, 191 : 500; manures, 300; weeding, 500 "©? Ghent, Gardens of, 155 Decaisne’s Fruit Garden, 591 0:7 Flea powder, 438; plants, 877 Gi ouses, construction of, 361 Deciduous Cypress, cones on, ot Flea, the common, For Glass coping, 574 t Delphiniums, soil for, 360 (see Larkspur) Flies, house, 191 i Sasso Gardening Book, receipts Senate ome Si ulinum, 400 i Flora, Swiss Alpine, 192; plants of snow-| to make old American. plants youne Mey 4 bg ee +) water soils, 182; loose masses of x spor ie lay turf in dry weet. 5 stone impeded snow-water, 192 ; ow a Radishes, Devil’s Coach-horse, meadows and sem land, 192; sour| save sweet 684; how to kill wasps, ‘oushire, death of Duke of, 51 pasture land, 192; culture of plants in 684 ; how to stri rn the open ground, 192; soil for plants, 192;| 634; how grow Roses inlight land, locality of plants, 192; treatment of how tos ter Pears'in E antai : in the > ditto by. di a i 17; how. to save lèaves T sowing, 73 to make Gourd or Pumpkin 103; transplanting, 490 aaas 717, LF Pn Mag >? famous vV 4 a 85 scl for potting, 890 t broth, S keep G 3 quarters, 359 “at be | AAR t to do with Brussels of the best, 359 ; prouts and all sorts of Sprouting Cabbage et mn i aa TETE Neher esas P lov 576; T autumn, 717 5 i Forsing, carly, S72" f 7113 how to pickle Berberries for gat Ears TIT; a ea 0007 6 , 44 Nuts and them, 765; how

“Walnuts, 765; what a hand-glass should be Lucciola (of Italy), 191 Woot co et to do to Strawberries in, winter, Lucknow, plan of, 72; Rees, 175; siege of, 363 s a fruit, 862 345 : what to do with As Lunar influence, 799, , 844 va Scotia, 383 inter, 845; a famous liquor for Onions: I Lychnis, soil for, 360 aratta noticed, Lane's, Great Berkhamp Peas, or an that must not grow Lyda, Pear tree, 191 es 24; Wilson’s, Canterbury, New Zea- rank, 845 Lymexylon navale, 191 land, 131; Van Houtte's, Ghent, 155, 881 ; Hlow-worm, 191 Ih. Verschaffelt’s, 155; Van Geert’s, 155; Lin- Hloxinias, new hybrid, 784 Iliustrated Bougue maa n's, „220, 289; Makoy’s, Liege, 208: maphalium, soil for, 360 Implements, agricultural, 319, 912; at Derry Slou; ugh, 4 terer and mat, spotted en, 191 show, 723; book of, 724; garden, 494 ora “(hoe Brhubitin, 459 ; Paul's, ‘oat moth, 191 Importations, agri., 370 M. Cheshunt, 591; Milne, Arnott and Co's., tiff. Mr., 74; fund, 370 Index Filicum, Hoora, 72 shg eni 783: Bird's, Stok ke Newington, toodwin (Shefficld) catalogue, 176 Index to Entomolog’ ical papers, 191 831; ter’s, oer gi 882; Macin- jooseberry and Currant insects, 191 India, eretee, ka in, 176 M EwEN oe 4 death of, 400 tosh: 8, poki tooseberry midge, 152; mildew, 573; cater- Ink gal, oo 191 Macadam Nursery advertisements, 90 pillar, 716, 750 Ink for ery, gine 577 Nuts, to keep, 775 tooseberries, late, 606 ; culture of, 636 re ihe. noxious, 6 ;in he ey alae Macintosh’s (Mr.), nursery, 864 Nut weevil, 192 r tosse’s Omphalos, rev., 23 ‘or, 173 ; oes Perforated Py a sa M r, Ellis on, 863, 882 Nyssa sylvatica, 782 jourds, morphology 5 on 8; dea th to, attacking | Magnolia macrophylla, 606 tourd ray E to make, T17 trees, 925; Aa PHa ise Zy Si urious to | Magpie a planter, 90 jrafting, herbaceous, 878 p gard 191; Cherry aphis, 1 28; Gooseberry | Maize, 28, 76, 115 ira ith fruit spurs, 190 idge, 152; 'daddy-long- legs, 235, a 881; | Maize insects, 19 trafted Rhododendrons, 624 bisulphuret of carbon a cure for, Malvern Field Club, 718 0 irain Bruchus, 191 Iris, soil for, 36 l-a hi ao. Ae 708 iret- ross T jigs Len ar PEA aga, 5; near pecans} ences T Os aak of, 116, 200; f train dresser, Bishop’s, 755 or, a poton = 76, 15, D aio; ash oi or irapes, ill- ani 5; new, 216; doable Italan n Rye-grass, 9 sheep, 137 ; on, 179; culture of, Se be ee es a oe ey so ag tng 193; cropping, 265; shanking of, 290, z 201, B50 ; desina ; cost of growing, Oak gall fly, 192- ra apla ar aa ited, 192; Grape, , 399, 859; pot culture of, ry 252; and Lhar oe 800; for breeding 19 T 2199; A arion, 190 wool iba. , 573; late, 667; black and white stock, 348 ; for foodin ng, 387; and its leaves, pele sw ‘ay. Dt a lòs, 198 Fs in same bunch, 764; pion’s ; 820; produce of, 868; disleafing, 869 ate E ger to Her! ley. 67 70; Tar 600 100; why early fall, 878” ky Manures, artificial, 28, 99; special, 483; ana- | 54 =i iar i J tarian, rape, Lady Doune’s, 38, 54, 70, 129; Bar abe lysis of, 721 ehothara Kiika torte. Dib ; soil for, 361 rossa, 70, 110, 129; Black Da amascus, 1 Manure, new, 183, 198, 222, 245 ; how to save, Olini r Shield- e, 192 266, 830; disease, 156, 380; growing, ir JASMINUM, monstrous, 540 220 ; lime and salt as, 225; farm-yard, 248, a =z Aaa? peg 129, 218, 242, 8; Bowood Muscat, 621 Jone: “A s aquarian naturalist, 654 344, 442; value of, 269; distributors, sos 0 pranan; lpr A i ii }rasses, te 5 sS, 788 qukess Geology, 55 experiments with, 342, 916 ; works, law een T ste foe. B45 irass pl for pain i 100; for Orchards, | Julus ps ane tus, 191; pulchellus, 191 ; ter- sr ting, 562; sewage, 587, 696, 741 ; British 0 maap om ere , Peo et flies, 192 100 ; in the parks, 335, 358, 381 ; Tinton, 574 peel T momical, 562, 771, 803; cheap, 772; to Baten castor fie > > irass land, m: management > 308 July bug, 191 eiidoaiie, 916 Ò r fy, 192 iravina’s Gatanian Park, Market Gardening, 8 Orakei spy inal cao h y, Dr. Asa, o oe Groth « of Plants, 558 Marrow, Custard, 110, 3 14, 887, 621; to cook, Sodinere! b, 644: irri irrigating 880 ; ‘eae oe av 789 bo vi 685 Orchard, 1 es ouses, 90, 110, 130, 215, 217, as, ans PRE ma K | aloe a 401, 487, 494, 669, 766; houses v. walls, 1 Edig er 190, for root crops, 322: Marthe Medical tes of, 219 Rivers’s 684; 206 house sr Sa a 65 ous, 388, 409 ; frauds, 465 ; fish, 517; eip May bug, 191 hi hid htheg 3, a, 92, 38, 53, Tl, 476, 526; 529’; price of, , 545, 508 564: Dr. Anderson on, Kale erage 127, 881, 905, 926 n ayes, Jer A p aS casos se Emo ; 645; mono) , 708; for Chrysanthemums, eidosco, ows, ment o; pasture lan: 766; Bird rand, 518 | Kelland’s s (Pr f.) Transatlantic sketches, 55 Alpine, Orchids, y mulo, 4 All; seedling, 87; REE: Juide Books, 559 Kemp on 5 Bante atl, 495 dune: 884 Sire Perret ne 732 a nedy’s (Dumfries) catal we | Stat tenebricosus, 192 i f T, tawa, 4 3ynerium (see Pampas Grass) a oil for 300 Oxen, workin, D, g, 227, 294, 320; Cape, 227 3ypsum, value of, Kew Gardens, 85, aey. 883, 902; want of Oyster scale, Pear tree, i92

greenhouse at, 456

Sysophila, soil for, 360

Koh 3 e 115 m culata, 590 0 n i oma seed oa Mespilus grandiflora, 477 ee Re neyo ae Te tee S bg ere 881; Dr. Stark on, 181; New P. Midge, G ria H. idge, Gooseberry, 152 1, 458 = Midge, JP gwd Rocket, 191 ; Willow twig, 191; Futons ra siea sg Mignonette, Miller on, -203 Paint for iron, 440

L ul Mignonette sane, aa 289 Palmella, b blood Hackett's steam culture, 9 ABOUR, agric reg 8 Mi onette tree, Pampas Grass, 733, toy 782, 829, 845 Hams, 102; to cure, 803. Feeney ene 946’ » gy pg deg 590; cure for, 218, s12;| Pansy fly, 192 Hand glass, what it should be, 705 Labourers! cottages 136, 221, $18, 820, 386, | repii spread ot Toz, i ` | Papaver, soil for, 361 Harvest and teatotalism, 627 406, 425, 438, 462, 519, 530, 546, 689, 707 Millipedes, Paper poisonous, 544 Harvest report, 562 Labour and wa ges, 345 Pappe, Dr., Harvest prospects, 529, 531, 547, Tackey moth, 101" Paracletus, 192 Harvest homes, 645, 737, 739 Lady-bird, seven spotted, 191 ing x

Wi aber, 835 | cance ape yon ag Mini Paris show, 764 5 m noctiluca, 191 Mi a Sie ithe hs Parker & Williams’ s Ostatze 195, 671 `

Pawk Ay, 191 sey hes AS T, 77; what do’ crops iselto on the Oak, 80 London, 358; Grass in the, 335, 358, A , hot, 64 m, 97; , 297 ; clay, 563i : pe the aie eae pcr mal; 1; Gorton, $98 saatin, 40% 381; New York public lic, 435,

resist, 766 Pasture land, and pre pig Alpine; 98: sour, r Heating, Po! area 24; Thomson’s gas, 71, pi 77 * t at

as 313, 572; ditto ‘retort boiler for, 130, nt of, 706 à Dr. Arnott: 606, Paul's calalogue, 92; Anerio Dista 006 ie

on, 492; gas, Ss (Seger gp for ventilation in con- Paulovnia 861, 477, Ssa; ; nection with, 495, 526 K me mass rii eat ces 154 Pavia indica, 526 Flowers, 477 Peach, Stirling Castle, 557 ; Camellia flowered, ums in open air; 765 Peaches, double, 733; cracking of, Ti ‘soil fr, 360 Saar leaf pete 401 “i r Heliotrope, es TOE each trees, summer treatment of, pesrobius Perle, 191 pees by,

insects in, 173; formation

Geo., 619 noas calender, 55; Neon eg 195 Lead perfo: rated by insects, 560 Tent fy, , 925 miner, black-horned, 191

en s Hen , ‘enfrey’s ecture in reference to th 2 of plants, 443, 46 lupulinus, 191 Herbaria, cure for of, 928

$44; slew, 848 ; how to store wither 7 Ree! 717 ; French Preatment of a

Hickory N ; ; $8 Teaver 2) skeleton, 848 ; seed, 881; how to Mulberries in pots, 574; white, 654 , allotments, 128 i Muscari, new, 266 Musca domestica, 192 ; (Tephritis) Cardui, 192

British, 620, 651, 668, 749, 861 Mushroom grub, 192 Mushroom, not a plants, 733

Mushroom ; gro Mussel scale, 192

Hoe, Sigma’s, 290 Holcus (Sorghum saccharatus, 193, 345, 483,

bow! ers 733, 814, 829

Holland Holly-leaf fiy, 191 6 Myrtles in South Wales, 38 ; large, 862 s Rulon "of blood 1 196: sind] STA Soe Lend paleo, emoa eae as in, ; 296: and sulphur, ille wots cf 670; Hound, rev., 597; shoes, 550; wi 2985 phosphates of, 9465 tree, 942 boast ats 293, 546, 724; power, 27, 352 for | Lime kilns, 11

Tinarias, oil for, 360 Linden’s (Mr.) MoeT, 289, 313; catalogue,

Narcissus fly, 192

history, a branch of education, 860 Nectarine, Stanwick, 314, 361 Nelumbium out in winter, 23

Lockhart’a (Pulham) catalogue, 655 io Weedon clare, i and Sigma’s dibble,

; practice, &., of, 572; in N. Scot- land, 606 ; ST a el Horticul Seca)

tural Society (see


381, aiia variegaied, At 37; cleaning, | 653, 670, 685, 783, 759; how ‘to-strike China, 499, 549, 594, 598, 609, 625; Bird Island | Stone, Rangome’s siliceous. 2: to ae 4, g12? f ; Hentrey’s from: cuttings, 684; how to grow in light guano, 515; sewage, 533; membership of, heat, a Tor artical ake, 192 lecture on, Tor pring ar variegated, cs ido t, | _ land, 845; in general, TE 614; prize essays, 614; breeding horses | Storm, ; 556; to pack for exhibition, 557 ; ey nes sih 192; antler, 192; caddice sawfiy, | France, 821 ; panas id meetings of, 867 in | Straw, 590 grow, rev., 558; classification of, ora: gt 2: loaf Mie, 192; stom-boringsuwfy, 192; Agricultural Improv ment of Ireland, 549, Strawberri ies, raisers of, 172, ig 217, 509, 526; 75; names of, 653; nutrition of, 730, aie. green, 192; leaf miner, 192; snag | 629, 644, 660, 677 | Princess be al, 362; early, 45 : Pine $19; blanched, 747; and sal 747} maggot, 192 Arts, Denton on rain-falland drainage, 59; } 638; in rehard hou S, Ai * invatts dist: tion, 767; roots 1; vascular | Rose show, 21, 38, 128, 265, 508, 523; report Clarke on tillage by steam plough, ‘is, s7; ling, 512; Frew A 310°: Cu abhi tissue of, 780; Bulgarian, 832; fertilisation | of, 527 , productions of New Zealand, 200; Dr. 528, 574; ockchafers, 542 t of Papilionaceous, ae, influence of moon Rose stocks, 173, 541, 815 Odling on some points connected with | 542; on banka poo Oscar in pote on, 799, 844; winte: bedding, 925 Heal TIa Leis- Weedon, 929 chemistry of ftam rrall 320; 557 ; failur t fangi, 588 naming, 926 ; Swiss re 192, 359 ; for al Botanic haga Kew, 35, 687, 881, 902 Halkett on Gui y Cultivation, 948 Prince of Wales, OL one Californie: SIT artificial rock work, 193; English names for ie ovie (Dr. ), death of, 20 Bath, Fetan 461, 467, 483, 500 Fragaria lucida, 877; what to do’to 905, 942 Rucker’s (Mr. pea 543 Blandfo: = Agri comer? * in: e poset of nitro- inter, Plant oar to ventilate, 507; Ormson’s plan | Rural districts in olden times, 886; economy, gen and phosp Sheer mapounds | Stream: d, 629 of, 495, 5: 890 on i vagotation, E oa gi ENAR Š dy, of, 340 : Plant ipes, FRS Rye-grass, 95 y: show, 4 tylops melittæ, 192 pie f thin, 3895 sea coast, 716, 720, | Rye-grass sod, Botanical of Edinbu rgh, 6, 266, sis, 606, p sdai lt re at r, 199 y Rye-grass, wee 498 18S , 35 i 3 iat miotania, 891 se if Brechin Arboricultural, 459 Sunflowers, 228 pnw

British Pomological, 91, 422, 654, 708, 782,

biforme, 764 urface grubs, 192 4 Plough, Austin’s steam, 161; steam, 200, 561; Chelmsford Agricultural, 293 Sutton’s (Reading) catalogue, 23 885 8. Cemio eho com STel; of Lin- Ploughing, steam, 76, 674, 676, 724; and cal tton-seed cake, 161 ; merits p ploughs, 820 : Kates of Parkes’s and Smith’s system o f draining, north wall, 92 SaccurpHantes Abietis, 192 756, 892 T Plusia Cocke or Y-moth, 192 St. James’ e3 age Horticultural Society's Ex- Chrysanthe mum, 21, 830 *

sean 192 ibition » SiT, Rose Show in, 527; Cornwall Horie

s, Rural, 788 £ naa ; Romologial meetings t Taxnen, Mr., wae i Bolsontng by Thorn Apple, 652 2 ranor ni aiveraity, Tasmania, Hoo: beraj „403; to of, 265 Sensor agus = a lix, soil f fs t Entomological, 72, i 200, 362, 527, 558, | Tewetmeicr’s Domestic Homomy, 8 sal

» E Temperature, > 266, 905; cant, a eu ay

Sone past pany , 591 geh Kes Ea pgs aes PE fi or Poplar, Black aan 8 Salt, to apply, 709 76, ormon: Annaan Poplar gall aphis, Salter’s (Hammersmith) Catalogue, 219 Port Littleton, gions 195 pasar nna insects, en Port Phillip, farming. sap an monial ito, 944 Rens Portraits,, aaeh san 6 erma o diguing, 20 Highland Agricultural, 644; Journal, Potato bug, 192; flies, 192; frog-fly, 1925} Sap, cretlation of, aes ag 492, 604, 621, 700, 180, Ses show, 676, 691, ny een el ; :

thrips, 192; stem weevil, 192 844; f the, and Prof. Wilson, 750 ; ‘threshin ng machines. ‘din erasi, 192; testi- Potato disease, 43, 194, 219, 265, 465; Sarco soli ria, 102 291 T ae S i

formed, 52, tts, 542, 830; ‘Fungus, Kyle. E Savin; eh 658 Horticultural, 91, 174, 402, 542; fruit | eho" ellas, 7 opti 92

the, 4 blight, 500; distemper, ¢ ure for, Barty, pee-likee, 1 192; pel a 192; Rose caddi committee, 171, 216, 542 ; remarks on ditto, | Tes

604, sets, 653; Lang o 30 m Soe nag boring, 192; Rose leaf, 192; 814; tig

large *visid of 733 ; to store in pont, 832; r Rose, 192; Apple, 192; Currant and

a sort ne ght sists disease, 880 cutting Gooseberry, 198: feather- horned Pine, 1 haulm off, 880 , 192; Turn mip, i 92

Potatoes, to cook, 5; analysis of, 72; names ation, soil fo: = 153; granulated, 401 ; list of, 457; good PE e e A 604

ds of, 654; varieties of, 685 Scæva Pyrastri, 192 ; Ribesi, 192 ine ; re = s Era on Thompso ws Gardeners’ Assistant, 688 3 Pot culture, Sigma’s, 70 cale, to kill, 38, 54 = è i ; Thompson’s (Ipswich) catalogue, 112 S \ P oe ers, 926 me Apple tree Mussel, 192; Pear tree Sai fruit meng a James Hal remarks Thoun carly flowering, 574 k Pots, to keep worms 5 Thorn Apple, poisoning by, 6

192; Pine wae a 192; man aa small Thit, 192

on, ie 843; report of diti it Nj mali bi rticul

taral of Edut Threshing machines, 136, 295, 509, sr Lin ian, 71, 111, 155, a ber’ 362, 422, Tee eae 192 4 558, 847, 862, 905, 943; Journal, 735, 927 eee ned oe

Passer faust cay vegetables, 703 S tR rs, 734 Manchester A 1, 293 Thrus! 401 a Preston ra Sahoo ns at, Ciloni Gaitas 12 cote Thwaites i ‘Ceylon ’Plants, 783

imula, Chin choolmas a mural, STA EN 314, 337 Primulas, soil ke 36 Tillage cia guideway, 96 y Prizes, money, 803 2 imber, A 40; formation of, ah:

‘octo' vial va cal, , 654, 703, 782 into plank, 104; time to cut, 60 > d Promenades, glass at Somerleyton, 219 tanic, 402, 510 ; show, 458 E 192; ail Propagation. of Alpine ar ee, 193 ; | Scorer’s Alas i garden, ca Dublin, G show of, 369, 385 tella,

Bar ae rar cuttings, 1 Rockies, fen! growing in, 524; Chronicles of, F Protecting ~~ 154 Scott’s (Merriott) catalogue, 88 k i Prussian foot, 1 Sea-coast treos, &c., 716, 720, 796, 798 x Psylla, Box, i92; ; Pr, 192 Seaka’ eo Pteris aiea mildness of, 421 ford, 3 Jabon and wages, 345

tse Seed, ay, Be a BE 524, 558 ; to ex- Botley, ct of Southampton, 274

Central, 817 Farringdon, M on the theory

vit} of, 769, 782, 804; sa’ ies y , saving, se abe e, 28; aig on ERTE i entering

Pul ipere ea

Pum soup, how to make, 717

Pyralis of the Vine, 1 192 H ees, vegetation, 155

eeds, erka 58; farm, 158, 246; and weeds, drainag ers 3 analysis o of, 197. 658; time to at and quitting farms, 226; the diseases of bi 152 sewage for, 12 pine, 193; for exporta produc- stock, by essor Brown, 250 i i A Trade memoranda, 264, 605, 904 Q oval of without eo gnation, rev., 926; iy pts: i n ’s bills, 754 g20, S67, B91 MET hk k and thin, 648 seniai N 596 19 59 ® . | Transplanting Al om plants, 3 Quivars; 6865 Chinese, weight of, 190 alles autumnal cultivation, 428 ; re mre “Alpin plants in the ope Hexhain, oe on weeds, 160 ground, ite, size of, 39; j R. sapte cake, 6, "8, 182, 818, e oes

Trees at Al ne led by fungi, mia of, sil; “for ‘avenmes, Se Dr. Daubeny on, 18 drainage 1 ibjects os. a whic H R for discussion, 45; Baker on the cultivation tacking, 9253 mode in 7 of the bag jii AT, 2h Sainsbury on the useo crops, 323 Marshall on r caring an Taos of lambs, 409; Fordham on the advantage of pulping | Tree cattle food, 484, 499; allotment system, 833,

g, 94; local breeds of, 582 5

aioe ainda preservation of guano, 274 oe, Slk; ‘ons; a otram, 609; =

ong Dr. Daubeney on sewerage, 137,

i Soild ET ata aag 201 ; covenant and farm leases, 60 Lancashire, 130; at Cirencester, 308; artificial manures, 28

amo. Wenl "for, 36 798 Roe pe nataba EE ani t e B ae pi AS um saccharatum, ei $45, 483, 526, 621, |,

628, 630, 641; new, 722 insect, new Afri mr ail, 110 Sots ke ne $ ‘i Turpentine vapour, poisoning an

Spence on Smoke and Sewage, 1 ‘taken by, 67

Spinach, substitute for, 512, 592, 508 ers, direction by, O71, 099

ier 198, H 361, 882; sulphur and lime

for, 401, 477; other cures for ', 218, 812

Rees's pii 175 Silvan Spinning organs of do 847 Resedas, Miller % iræa grandiflora,

Sphinx, Ss ge: Currant, 192;.Atropos, 192; crabroniformis, 192

Slug-worm or slimy STE | Uranta speciosa, 882 Smithfield show, 912; health of cattle at, 157 92 {| Ursula, a tale, 840 ae

Statistics, ex, of collecting, 57; Seotch and keh a gc 179, 322, 270, y; 271, 386, 27, ares

eapby ie uta 187, | VANDA