es Ul We ry aE ee f yy wer’ «fy ~ 4 : f j P a i 7 } vs t te ot te a = ‘ ‘ i
Tue Royat Socirty of New South Wales originated in 1821 as the “Philosophical Society of Australasia”; after an interval of inactivity, it was resuscitated in 1850, under the name of the “ Australian Philosophical Society,” by which title it was known until 1856, when the name was changed to the “ Philosophical Society of New South Wales”; in 1866, by the sanction of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, it assumed its present title, and was incorporated by Act of the Parliament of New South ‘Wales in 1881.
“OFFICERS FOR 1887-88 ...
Rouues, List of Members, &e. .
J.—PRESIDENT’S ApDpRESss. By Chr. Rolleston, C.M.G.
Ii.—Recent Work on Flying-machines. By L. Hargrave. (Sia Plates) Le a we AA ap oe ae
IIT.—Some New South Wales Tan-substances, Partl. By ae. Maiden, F.B.G.S...
IV.—Remains of Plesiosaurus. By R. Etheridge, Jr., F.G.S. V.—New Electric Storage Battery. By David Miller
VI.—Notes on the Experience of other Countries in the Administration of their Water Supply. By H. G. McKinney, M.E., M.I.C.E. EG i ie
Vil.—Autographic Stress-strain Apparatus. By Prof. Warren, M.I.C.E. (One Plate) ae ae
VIII.—Notes on some Inclusions observed in a specimen of Queensland Opal. By D. A. Porter, Tamworth. (One Plate)
. IX.—Some New South Wales Tan-substances, Part 2. By
J. H. Maiden, F.R.G.S....
. X.—The Influence of Bush Fires in the Distribution of
Species. By Rev. BR. Collie, F.LS. ...
-. XL.—A District Hospital: its Construction and Cost. With
a description of a new method of constructing Iron Build- ings. ByJ. Ashburton Thompson, M.D. Brux., San. Sci. Cert., Cantab. Chief Medical Inspector of the Board of Health of New South Wales. (Three Plates) Ae Ban
XII.— Origin and Mode of Occurrence of Gold-bearing Veins and of the Associated Minerals. By Jonathan C. B. P. Seaver, C.E., F.G.S., &c. (Sia Plates) ae ade
Pag Ce Vil. ix. X1ll.
Arr. XIII.—Results of Observations of Comets VI. and VII., 1886, at Windsor, N.S.W. By John Tebbutt, F.R.A.S., &e. 159
Art. XIV.—Port Jackson Silt Beds. By Fred. B. Gipps, C.E..... 173. Art. XV.—Some New South Wales Tan-substances, Part 3. By
J. H. Maiden, F.R.G.S., &e. ... _ ae ne 15 Arr. XVI—Soils and Subsoils of Sydney and Suburbs. By J.B.
Henson, C.E. oP ors a. a ae: ae un) ae
Art. XVII.—Quarantine and Small-Pox. By J. Ashburton Thompson, M.D. Brux., Dipl. Publ. Health, Cantab., &e... 227
Art. XVIII.—On the presence of ‘Fusel Oil in Beer. By
William M. Hamlet, F.C.S., Government Analyst. Peay rey) {3 Art. XIX.—Some New South Wales Tan-substances, Part 4. By
J. H. Maiden, F.R.G.S., &e. ... ra, 2 2 250 Arr. XX.—Autographic Instruments used in the develope of
Flying-machines. By L. Hargrave. (Four Plates) ge (07 PROCEEDINGS ie ae ie Ate 44, 73,107, 168, 216, 246, 285. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Microscopical SECTION... a 123, 293.
The Aopal Society of Hew South Gales.
eEperuTe aus LO wSsr-e-
Honorary President: HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HON. LORD CARRINGTON, G-C-MiG.,. &c.,.&e., Ge:
President: C. S. WILKINSON, F.G.S., F.L.S.
Hon. Treasurer: — ROBERT HUNT, F.G.S., &c.
Hon. Secretaries: PROFESSOR LIVERSIDGE, M.A. (Cantab.) F.R.S., F.C.S., F.G.S., &. F. B. KYNGDON. S. HERBERT COX, F.C.S., F.G.S,
Assistant Secretary : WW. EH: WEBS;
ue oo “NB — “ Me 4
, oc | =. A
An Act to incorporate a Society called ‘‘ The Royal Society of New Soutn Wales.” [16 December, 1881.)
\ HEREAS a Society called (with the sanction of Her
Most Gracious Majesty the Queen) “The Royal Society of New South Wales” has under certain rules and by-laws been formed at Sydney in the Colony of New South Wales for the encouragement of studies and investigations in Science Art Literature and Philosophy And whereas the Council of the said Society is at the present time composed of the following office-bearers and members His Excellency the Right Honorable Lord Augustus Loftus P.C. G.C.B. Honorary President The Honorable John Smith C.M.G. M.D. LL.D. President and Charles Moore Esquire #.L.S. Director of the Botanic Gardens Sydney and Henry Chamberlaine Russell Esquire B.A. (Sydney) F.R.ALS. F.M.S. London Government Astronomer for New South Wales Vice-Presidents and H. G. A. Wright Esquire M.&C.S. Honorary Treasurer Archibald Liversidge Esquire Associate of the Royal School of Mines London “Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland and Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the University of Sydney and Carl Adolph Leibius Esquire Doctor of Philo- sophy of the University of Heidelberg Fellow of the Insti- tute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland Honorary Secretaries W. A. Dixon Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland G. D. Hirst Esquire Robert Hunt Esquire Associate of the Royal School of Mines London Deputy Master Sydney Branch Royal Mint Eliezer L. Moitefiore Esquire Christopher Rolleston Esquire C.M.G.
Interpretation clause
Incorporation clause
Rules and by- laws.
Charles Smith Wilkinson Esquire Government Geologist Members of the Council. And whereas it is expedient that. the said Society should be incorporated aud should be invested with the powers and authorities hereinafter contained Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows :—
1. For the purposes of this Act the following words in inverted commas shall unless the context otherwise indicate bear the meaning set against them respectively —
‘‘Corporation” the Society hereby incorporated.
“ Council” the Members of the Council at any duly con- vened meeting thereof at which a quorum according to the by-laws at the time being shall be present
‘“‘Secretary’’ such person or either one of such persons who shall for the time being be the Secretary or Secretaries honorary or otherwise of the said Society (saving and excepting any Assistant Secretary of the said Society.)
2. The Honorary President the President Vice-Presidents Officers and Members of the said Society for the time being and all persons who shalJl in manner provided by the rules and by-laws for the time being of the said Society become members thereof shall be for the purposes hereinafter mentioned a body corporate by the name or style of “The Royal Society of New South Wales” and by that name shall and may have perpetual succession and a common seal and shall and may enter into contracts and sue and be sued plead and be impleaded answer and be answered unto defend and be defended in all Courts and places whatsoever and may prefer lay and prosecute any indictment information and prosecution against any person whomsoever and any summons or other writ and any notice or other proceeding which it may be requisite to serve upon the Corporation may be served upon the Secretary or one of the Secretaries as the case may be or if there he no Secretary or if the: Secretaries or Secretary be absent from the Colony then upon the President or either of the Vice-Presidents.
3. The present rules and by-laws of the said Society shall be deemed and considered to be and shall be the rules and. by-laws of the said Corporation save and except in so far as. any of them are or shall or may be altered varied or repealed under the powers for that purpose therein contained or are
or may be inconsistent or incompatible with or repugnant to any of the provisions of this Act or any of the laws now or hereafter to be in force in the said Colony.
4. The Corporation shall have power to purchase acquire Powertoacquire and hold lands and any interest therein and also to sell and 237 pord and to dispose of the said lands or any interest therein and all lands tenements hereditaments and other property of what- ever nature now belonging to the said Society under the said rules and by-laws or vested in Trustees for them shall on the passing of this Act be vested in and become the property of the said Corporation subject to all charges claims
and demands in anywise affecting the same.
5. The ordinary business of the Corporation in reference CeO ns) to its property shall be managed by the Council and it shall Hacen eee not be lawful for individual members to interfere in any Council. way in the management of the affairs of the Corporation except as by the rules and by-laws for the time being shall
be specially provided.
6. The Council shall have the general management and Powers of superintendence of the affairs of the Corporation and except- Cl ing the appointment of President and Vice-Presidents and other honerary officers who shall be appointed as the by-laws of the Society shall from time to time provide the Council shall have the appointment of all officers and servants required for carrying out the purposes of the Society and of _ preserving its property and it may also define the duties and fix the salaries of all officers Provided that if a vacancy shall occur in the Council during any current year of the Society’s proceedings it shall be lawful for the Council to elect a member of the Society to fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the then current year The Council may also purchase or rent land houses or offices and erect buildings or other structures for any of the purposes for which the Society is hereby incorporated and may borrow money for the purposes of the Corporation on mortgages of the real and chattel property of the Corporation or any part thereof or may borrow money without security provided that the amount so borrowed without security shall never exceed in the aggregate the amount of the income of the Corporation for the last preceding year and the Council may also settle and agree to the covenants powers aud authorities to be contained in the securities aforesaid.
7. In the event of the funds and property of the Corpo- Liability of ration being insufficient to meet its engagements each ™embers. member thereof shall in addition to his subscription for the
Custody of ‘common seal.
‘Certified copy of rules and by- Jaws to be evi- dence.
Elections, not made in due time may be made subse- quently.
Secretary may represent Cor- poration for cer- ‘tain purposes.
then current year be liable to contribute a sum equal thereto towards the payment of such engagements but shall not be otherwise individually liable for the same and no member who shall have commuted his annual subscription shall be so hable for any amount beyond that of one year’s subscription.
8. The Council shall have the custody of the common seal of the Corporation and have power to use the same in the affairs and business of the Corporation and for the execution of any of the securities aforesaid and may under such seal authorize any person without such seal to execute any deed or deeds and do such other matter as may be required to be done on behalf of the Corporation but it shall not be neces- sary to use the said seal in respect of the ordinary business of the Corporation nor for the appointment of their Secretaries Solicitor or other officers.
9. The production of a printed or written copy of the rules and by-laws of the Corporation certified in writing by the Secretary or one of the Secretaries as the case may be to be a true copy and having the common seal of the Corporation affixed thereto shall be conclusive evidence in all Courts of such rules and by-laws and of the same having been made under the authority of this Act.
10. In case any of the elections directed by the rules and by-laws for the time being of the Corporation to be made shall not be made at the times required it shall nevertheless be competent to the Council or to the members as the case may be to make such elections respectively at any ordinary meeting of the Council or at any annual or special general meeting held subsequently.
11. The Secretary or either one of the Secretaries may represent the Corporation in all legal and equitable pro- ceedings and may for and on behalf of the Corporation make such affidavits and do such acts and sign such documents as are or may be required to be done by the plaintiff or complainant or defendant respectively in any proceedings to which the Corporation may be parties.
RULE. Annual General Meeting oe ee see bef £%. rer Veet Annual Report... ; es sia ie AD Sch hee Soult Auditors and Audit of Waceants nee Bas ase oS vant SO Absence from Council Meetings ade Es Me aa Je O24 Alteration of Rules Be Sul ee +h ae a, Was 9 AN: Admission of Visitors _... ius Ra Any Bae ae ae ee, _ of Members ... ae aft Nie len te iF te) aebdl Annual Subscription ... su — ee Rae th 9, 9a, 12 os in arrears ee mi 3 me 13, 144 when due at a See ah sly Ballot, Bein by, of Officers and Gouncil. sat a4 4, ic - of Members and Gomeepunante ie aNeiall PUSS A majority of four-fifths necessary - ea he eich lis) Business, Order of wae Be bx cn bee va 20, BOA Branch Societies . a id te! at sch Se a eoO! Cabinets and poibections . nde hl He ae My PATRI Contributions to the Society ... ee Se re . 26, 264, 268: Corresponding Members ae se A A, tds Aras Council, Election of A ee nay ae ty Bet. 4, 5a, 6 a Members of... as i: at An as at 3 es Vacancies in ... oa we ee Ae Be, in a Meetings id “op om A nat Bf 23, 234 = a Quorum ae ae i fe Be egy we A Candidates for Admission Rs soe ae Oe, ae ite 8 Committees or Sections... Wo sh su ay As LM Coe Chairman of re “ay ay a Me ah iL: ERS Documents rate ae oe jn Aer cis os eo ESS Election of new Mierabens oe He ne nee oe onl i Notification of... A a m6 ae by mere ee) Entrance Fee ... ey Se oe abe ah ae ..9A, 12 Expulsion of Members ... as if oe be rey eh Erasure of Name... ae as a ee a ae Seg As Fees and Subscriptions... eh Hes we Hak ee 9, 9A, 9B Funds, Management of... ae 8 ue Ps A eee dlg Dh Governor, Honorary President... ae a ons es ore 2 Grants of Money... fe ves Bo we an we ...28, 29 Honorary Members ae PS): oh ee iiss Ae sree acl Library ... ou a wes sys ve ae AO Meetings, Wedary Coron as ve rh Ba EP Vital 1s,
ma Annual She sy he Ana oe ae ae 2L
Members, Honorary
vs Corresponding a Resignation of » Expulsion of ... es to sign Rules... seis wale at Admission of,.,
Money Grants Object of the Society Office-bearers
»» Duration of
>» Vacancies amongst Order of Business President ...
o Honorary
Property of the Society... Quorum at the Council Meetings
es for the Election of Officers and ae new Mombenaee
Reports le
i from Sections ... Resignations Rules, Alteration of Scrutineers, Appointment of Sections, Membership of Sections or Committees ... Secretaries, Hon., Duties of
a Assistant
ee of Sections ... Subscriptions ee
& in arrears... Vacancies in the Council Visitors... ie was
Rw tees.
(RevisED Oct. 1, 1879.) Additional Rules adopted November 5, 1884, marked thus, XA, &e.
Object of the Society.
I. The object of the Society is to receive at its stated meetings original papers on Science, Art, Literature, and Philosophy, and especially on such subjects as tend to develop the resources of Australia, and to illustrate its Natural History and Productions.
Honorary President. II. The Governor of New South Wales shall be ex officio Honorary President of the Society.
Other Officers.
III. The other Otticers of the Society shall consist of a President, who shall hold office for one year only, but shall be eligible for re-election after the lapse of one year; two Vice- Presidents, a Treasurer, and one or more Secretaries, who, with six other members, shall constitute a Council for the management of the affairs of the Society.
Election of Officers and Council. IV. The President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurer, and the six other members of Council, shall be elected annually by ballot at the General Meeting in the month of May.
V. It shall be the duty of the Council each year to prepare a list containing the names of members whom they recommend for election to the respective offices of President, Vice-Presidents, Hon. Secretaries, and Hon. Treasurer, together with the names of six other members whom they recommend for election as ordinary members of Council.
The names thus recommended shall be proposed at one meeting of the Council, and agreed to at a subsequent meeting.
Such list shall be suspended in the Society’s Rooms, and a copy shall be sent to each ordinary member not less than fourteen days
before the day appointed for the Annual General Meeting.
Va. There shall be elected on the Council for each ensuing year, at least two and not more than three members of the Society
who were not members of the Council for the previous year.
VI. Each member present at the Annual General Meeting shall have the power to alter the lst of names recommended by the Council, by adding to it the names of any eligible members not already included in it and removing from it an equivalent nuinber of names, and he shall use this list with or without such alterations as a balloting lst at the election of Officers and Council.
The name of each member voting shall be entered into a book, kept for that purpose, by two Scrutineers elected by the members present.
No ballot for the election of members of Council, or of new members, shall be valid unless twenty members at least shall
record their votes.
Vacancies in the Council during the year.
VII. Any vacancies occurring in the Council of Management
during the year may be filled up by the Council.
Candidates for admission.
Viti. Candidates must be at least twenty-one years of age.
Every candidate for admission as an ordinary member of the Society shall be recommended according to a prescribed form of certificate by not less than three members, to two of whom the candidate must be personally known.
Such certificate must set forth the names, place of residence, and qualitications of the candidate.
The certificate shall be read at the three Ordinary General
Meetings of the Society next ensuing after its receipt, and
during the intervals between those three meetings, it shall be suspended in a conspicuous place in one of the rooms of the Society.
The vote as to admission shall take place by ballot, at the Ordinary General Meeting at which the certificate is appointed to be read the third time, and immediately after such reading.
At the ballot the assent of at least four-fifths of the members voting shall be requisite for the admission of the candidate.
Entrance Fee and Subscriptions.
TX. The entrance money paid by members on their admission shall be Two Guineas; and the annual subscription shall be Two Guineas, payable in advance ; but members elected prior to December, 1879, shall be required to pay an annual subscription of One Guinea only as heretofore. :
The amount of ten annual payments may be paid at any time as a life composition for the ordinary annual payment.
IXa. The entrance fee and first annual subscription shall be paid within two months from the date of election ; otherwise the election shall be void.
The Council may, however, in special cases, extend the period. within which these payments must be made. |
[Xs. Composition fees shall be treated as capital, and shali be devoted to the Building Fund Account, or invested.
New Members to be informed of their election.
X. Every new member shall receive due notification of his election, and be supplied with a copy of the obligation (No. 3 in Appendix), together with a copy of the Rules of the Society, a list of members, and a card of the dates of meeting.
Members shall sign Rules—lormal admission. XI. Every member who has complied with the preceding Rules shall at the first Ordinary General Meeting at’ which he Shall be present sign a duplicate of the aforesaid obligation In a
book to be kept for that purpose, after which he shall be presented by some member to the Chairman, who, addressing him by name, shall say :—‘‘In the name of the Royal Society of New South Wales I admit you a member thereof.’
Annual subscriptions, when due.
XII. Annual subscriptions shall become due on the Ist of
May for the year then commencing. The entrance fee and first year’s subscription of a new member shall become due on the day of his election.
XIIa. Persons elected on or after the first day of October in any year shall pay the annual contribution as in advance for the following year, but in every case within two months after notification of their election has been made to them by the
Honorary Secretary.
Members whose subscriptions are unpard not to enjoy privileges.
XIII. An elected member shall not be entitled to attend the meetings or to enjoy any privilege of the Society, nor shall his name be printed in the list of the Society, until he shall have paid his admission fee and first annual subscription, and have
returned to the Secretaries the obligation signed by himself.
Subscriptions im arrears.
XIV. Members who have not paid their subscriptions for the current year, on or before the 3lst of May, shall be informed of the fact by the Hon. Treasurer.
No member shall be entitled to vote or hold office while his subscription for the previous year remains unpaid.
The name of any member who shall be two years in arrears with his subscriptions shall be erased from the list of members, but such member may be re-admitted on giving a satisfactory explanation to the Council, and on payment of arrears.
At the meeting held in July, and at all subsequent meetings for the year, a list of the names of all those members who are in
Ne ne
> eb.e
arrears with their annual subscriptions shall be suspended in the Rooms of the Society. Members shall in such cases be informed
that their names have been thus posted.
XIVa. Any member in arrears shall cease to receive the Society’s publications, and shall not be entitled to any of the
privileges of the Society until such arrears are paid.
Resignation of Members.
XV. Members who wish to resign their membership of the Society are requested to give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretaries, and are required to return all books or other property belonging to the Society.
Hupulsion of Members.
XVI. A majority of members present at any ordinary meeting shall have power to expel an obnoxious member from the Society, provided that a resolution to that effect has been moved and seconded at the previous ordinary meeting, and that due notice of the same has been sent in writing to the member in question, within a week after the meeting at which such resolution has
been brought forward. Honorary Members.
XVII. The Honorary Members of the Society shall be persons who have been eminent benefactors to this or some other of the Australian Colonies, and distinguished patrons and promoters of the objects of the Society. Every person proposed as an Honorary Member must be recommended by the Council and elected by the Society. Honorary Members shall be exempted from payment of fees and contributions: they may attend the meetings of the Society, and they shall be furnished with copies of the publications of the Society, but they shall have no right to hold office, to vote, or otherwise interfere in the business of the Society.
The number of Honorary Members shall not at any one time exceed twenty, and not more than two Honorary Members-shall be elected in any one year.
Corresponding Members.
XVIII. Corresponding Members shall be persons, not resident in New South Wales, of eminent scieutific attainments, who may have furnished papers or otherwise promoted the objects of the Society.
Corresponding Member shall be recommended by the Council, and be balloted for in the same manner as ordinary Members.
Corresponding Members shall possess the same privileges only as Honorary Members.
The number of Corresponding Members shall not exceed twenty-five, and not more than three shall be elected in any one year.
Ordinary General Meetings.
XIX. An Ordinary General Meeting of the Royal Society, to be convened by public advertisement, shall take place at 8 p.m., on the first Wednesday in every month, during the last eight months of the year; subject to alteration by the Council with due notice. .
Order of Business.
XX. At the Ordinary General Meetings the business shall be transacted in the following order, unless the Chairman specially decide otherwise :—
1—Minutes of the preceding Meeting. 2--New Members to enrol their names and be introduced. 3—Ballot for the election of new Members. 4 Candidates for membership to be proposed. 5—Business arising out of Minutes. — 6—Communications from the Council. 7—Communications from the Sections. 8—Donations to be laid on the Table and acknowledged. 9—Correspondence to be read.
10—Motions from last Meeting.
11—Notices of Motion for the next Meeting to Be given in.
12—-Papers to be read.
14—Notice of Papers for the next Meeting.
XXa. At the ordinary meetings of the Society nothing relating to its regulations or management, except as regards the election or ejection of members, shall be brought forward, unless the same shall have been announced in the notice calling the meeting, or be otherwise provided for in these Rules.
XXs. A special meeting of the Society may be called by the Council, provided that seven days notice be given by advertisement, or shall be so called on a requisition signed by at least twenty-five members of the Society, to consider any special business thus notified.
Annual General Meeting—Annual Reports.
XXI. A General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually in May, to receive a Report from the Council on the state of the Society, and to elect Officers for the ensuing year. The Treasurer shall also at this meeting present the annual financial
Admission of Visitors. XXII. Every ordinary member shall have the privilege of introducing two friends as visitors to an Ordinary General
Meeting of the Society or its Sections, on the following conditions:—
1. That the name and residence of the visitors, together with the name of the member introducing them, be
entered in a book at the time.
2. That they shall not have attended two consecutive meetings of the Society or of any of its Sections in the
current year.
The Council shall have power to introduce visitors irrespective of the above restrictions.
Council Meetings. XXIII. Meetings of the Council of Management shall take place on the last Wednesday in every month, and on such other days as the Council may determine.
XXIII. The President or Hon. Secretaries, or any three Members of the Council, may call a meeting of the Council, Bi, provided that due notice of the same has been sent to each Member — of the Council at least three days before such meeting.
Absence from Meetings of Council—Quorum.
XXIV. Any member of the Council absenting himself from three consecutive mectings of the Council, without giving a satisfactory explanation in writing, shall be considered to have vacated his office. No business shall be transacted at any meeting
of the Council unless three members at least are present.
Duties of Secretarves.
XXV. The Honorary Secretaries shall perform, or shall cause the Assistant Secretary to perform the following duties :—
1. Conduct the correspondence of the Society and Council. 2. Attend the General Meetings of the Society and the meetings of the Council, to take minutes of the proceed- ings of such meetings, and at the commencement of such
to read aloud the minutes of the preceding meeting.
3. At the Ordinary Meetings of the members, to announce the presents made to the Society since their last meeting ; to read the certificates of candidates for admission to the Society, and such original papers communicated to the Society as are not read by their respective authors and the letters addressed to it.
4. To make abstracts of the papers read at the Ordinary General Meetings, to be inserted in the Minutes and printed in the Proceedings.
5. To edit the Transactions of the Society, and to superintend the making of an Index for the same. . 6. To be responsible for the arrangement and safe custody of the books, maps, plans, specimens, and other property _ of the Society.
7. To make an entry of all books, maps, plans, pamphlets, &e., in the Library Catalogue, and of all presentations to the Society in the Donation Book.
8. To keep an account of the issue and return of books, &c., borrowed by members of the Society, and to see that the borrower, in every case, signs for the same in the Library Book.
9. To address to every person elected into ‘the Society a printed copy of the Forms Nos. 2 and 3 (in the Appendix), together with a list of the members, a copy of the Rules, and a card of the dates of meeting ; and to acknowledge all donations made to the Society, by Form No. 6.
10. To cause due notice to be given of all Meetings of the
Society and Council.
11. To be in attendance at 4 p.m. on the afternoon of Wednesday in each week during the session.
12. To keep a list of the attendances of the members of the Council at the Council Meetings and at the ordinary General Meetings, in order that the same may be laid before the Society at the Annual General Meeting held in the month of May.
The Honorary Secretaries shall, by mutual agreement, divide the performance of the duties above enumerated.
The Honorary Secretaries shall, by virtue of their office, be members of all Committees appointed by the Council.
Contributions to the Society.
XXVI. Contributions to the Society, of whatever character, must be sent to one of the Secretaries, to be laid before the Council of Management. It will be the duty of the Council to arrange for promulgation and discussion at an Ordinary Meeting such communications as are suitable for that purpose, as well as to dispose of the whole in the manner best adapted to promote the objects of the Society.
XXVIa. The original copy of every paper communicated to: the Society, with the illustrative drawings, shall become the property of the Society unless stipulation be made to the contrary;. and authors shall not be at liberty, save by permission of the Council, to publish the papers they have communicated, until such papers or abstracts of them, have appeared in the Journal or other publications of the Society.
XX VIs. If any paper of importance is communicated during the recess, the same may be ordered for publication by the Council,, without being read to the Society.
Management of Funds.
XXVII. The funds of the Society shall be lodged at a Bank named by the Council of Management. Claims against the Society, when approved by the Council, shall be paid by the Treasurer.
All cheques shall be countersigned by a member of the Council.
Money Grants.*
XXVIII. Grants of money in aid of scientific purposes from the funds of the Society—to Sections or to members—shall expire: on the lst of November in each year. Such grants, if not expended, may be re-voted.
XXIX. Such grants of money to Committees and individual members shall not be used to defray any personal expenses which
a member may incur.
Audit of Accounts. XXX. Two Auditors shall be appoynted annually, at an Ordinary Meeting, to audit the Treasurer's Accounts. The: accounts as audited to be laid before the Annual Meeting in
oe za py conte for money grants are required to supply the following information :—
1. The nature of the research and the scientific results expected to follow therefrom..
. The amount asked for.
. Whether any previous grant has been received from any source, and, if so, with what results.
. Whether any portion of the grant is to be devoted to personal remuneration.
. What apparatus (if any) of permanent value will be required.
oF torre
Property of the Society to be vested in the President, ke.
XXXI. All property whatever belonging to the Society shall be vested in the President, Vice-Presidents, Hon. Treasurer, and Hon. Secretaries for the time being, in trust for the use of the Society ; but the Council shall have control over the disbursements. of the funds and the management of the property of the Society.
XXXII. To allow those members of the Society who devote attention to particular branches of science fuller opportunities. and facilities of meeting and working together with fewer formal
restrictions than are necessary at the general Monthly Meetings.
of the Society,—Sections or Committees may be established in
the following branches of science :—
Section A.—Astronomy, Meteorology, Physics, Mathematics, and Mechanics.
Section L.—Chemistry and Mineralogy, and their application to the Arts and Agriculture.
Section C.—Geology and Paleontology.
Section D.—Biology, 7.¢., Botany and Zoology, including Entomology.
Section H.—Microscopical Science.
Section I’.—Geography and Ethnology.
Section G.—Literature and the Fine Arts, including Architecture.
Section H.—Medical.
Section I.—Sanitary and Social Science and Statistics.
Section Committees—Card of Meetings.
XXXIII. The first meeting of each Section shall be appointed by the Council. At that meeting the members shall elect their: own Chairman, Secretary, and a Committee of four ; and arrange. the days and hours of their future meetings. A card showing the dates of each meeting for the current year shall be printed. for distribution amongst the members of the Society.
Age A)
Membership of Sections.
XXXIV. Only members of the Society shall have the privilege of joining any of the Sections.
Reports from Sections. : XXX V. There shall be for each Section a Chairman to preside at the meetings, and a Secretary to keep minutes of the proceedings, who shall jointly prepare and forward to the Hon. Secretaries of the Society, on or before the 7th December in each year, a report —
of the proceedings of the Section during that year, in order that the same may be transmitted to the Council.
Reports. XXXVI. It shall be the duty of the President, Vice-Presidents,
and Honorary Secretaries to annually examine into and report to
the Council upon the state of —
. The Society’s house and effects.
. The keeping of the official books and correspondence.
. The library, including maps and drawings.
Hm oO
. The Society’s cabinets and collections.
Cabinets and Collections.
XXXVII. The keepers of the Society’s cabinets and collections
shall give a list of the contents, and report upon the condition of the same to the Council annually.
XXX VIII. The Honorary Secretaries and Honorary Treasurer shall see that all documents relating to the Society’s property, the obligations given by members, the policies of insurance, and other securities shall be lodged in the Society’s iron chest, the contents of which shall be inspected by the Council once in every year ; a list of such contents shall be kept, and such list shall be signed by the President or one of the Vice-Presidents at the —
annual inspection.
Branch Societies.
oan of ane twenty-five members at iat must be ieee
1. The Library shall be open for consultation and for the issue and return of books daily (except Saturday), from 9°30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2 to 6 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9°30 a.m. to 1°30 p.m.
1a. The Library will not be open on public holidays. :
2. No book shall be issued without being signed for in the Library Book.
3. Members are not allowed to have more than two volumes. at a time from the Library, without special permission from one of the Honorary Secretaries, nor to retain a book for a longer period than fourteen days; but when a book is returned by a. member it may be borrowed by him again, provided it has not been bespoken by any other member. Books which have been -bespoken shall circulate in rotation, according to priority of application. ?
4, Scientific Periodicals and Journals will not be lent until the volumes are completed and bound.
4a. Dictionaries, Encyciopzdias, and other works of reference: and cost, Atlases, Books and Illustrations in loose sheets, Drawings, Prints and unbound numbers of Periodicals and Works, Journals, Transactions and Proceedings of Societies or Institutions, Works. of a Series, Maps or Charts, are not to be removed from the Library without the written order of the President or one of the: Hon. Secretaries.
5. Members retaining books longer than the time specified shall be subject to a fine of sixpence per week for each volume.
6. The books which have been issued shall be called in by the Secretaries twice a year ; and in the event of any book not being returned on those occasions, the member to whom it was issued shall be answerable for it, and shall be required to defray the cost of replacing the same.
7. No stranger shall be admitted to the Library except by the introduction of a member, whose name, together with that of the visitor, shall be inserted in a book kept for that purpose.
8. Members shall not lay the paper upon which they are — writing on any Book or Map.
No tracings shall be made without express permission from the Hon. Secretaries.
Form No. 1.
Royat Society oF New SovutH WALES.
Certificate of a Candidate for Election. Name ‘Qualification or occupation Address being desirous of admission into the Royal Society of New South Wales, we, the undersigned members of the Society, propose and recommend him as a proper person to become a member thereof.
Dated this day of 18
Signature of candidate Date received 18 N.B.—This certificate must be signed by three or more members, to two of whom the
candidate must be personally known. The candidate must beat least twenty-one years -of age. This certificate has to be read at three ordinary general meetings of the Society.
Form No, 2. Royat Socrety oF New SoutH WALtLgEs. The Society’s House, Sir, Sydney, 18 I have the honour to inform you that you have this day been elected
a member of the Royal Society of New South Wales, and I beg to forward to you a copy of the Rules of the Society, a printed copy of an obligation, _-& list